What if You Aren't Who You Think You Are?
I'm just back from dragging my body and mind kicking and screaming on a walking meditation.
I say “dragged” because every cell of me wanted to a) complain, b) go back to bed in defeat, or c) do my endless dance of forcing, efforting, and pushing on my business.
Having tried to write this newsletter thrice over the weekend to no avail, here we are.
I don't know, and I don't much care about the whys and the wherefores of the state in which I spent the weekend and morning. Like Alexander the Great says, “Some days are like that.”
I allowed myself one text to tell a friend I was attempting to pull my head out of. my ass, to which she responded,
“Pull her out, Girl.” And then followed with, “I like to wear my ass as a hat.”
With that supportive understanding of both my power and my human condition, I continued my drive to the beach.
So, basically… I'd love to say something wisdomy about this Muse, but as it turns out, all I can say is, it was just what I needed to hear on my way home.
I hope you enjoy!